This year our school started the Cougar of Character program where students get recognized for being "caught doing good." I figured we, the staff, would fill out the card and the students would eventually receive them.
That's why last Friday I was completely surprised when the principal if our school came into my classroom: not to observe, not to discipline a student. She came in to celebrate the good deeds one of my students committed.

She called my student up to the front and read to the class what one of the staff members at school wrote about her. In this particular instance, this student works with underclassmen with our Link Crew working with the incoming ninth grade night- an evening where eighth graders and their families come to hear about our programming, get tours of the school, and visit with different clubs. It is students who volunteer for events like this that make then successful - middle schoolers don't get excited by adults talking at them - they want to hear what other kids have to say.
Standing at the front of the class, this student couldn't help but smile, couldn't help but beam - and on the journey back to her desk, everyone wanted to see the card she got - the fancy one that would go on the refrigerator, so she made sure everyone got to see it from their seats.
One student said, "That would look GRRREAT on my bulletin board!"
Another kiddo yelled out, "The car keys would be mine for the weekend with one of those on my fridge."
This all took place in my AP class with kids who are driven by high grades which clearly has worked for them. But they want more - they want to be noticed for the deeds they do and accomplish outside the classroom as well - they, like all of us, simply want to be noticed.